How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

Even cats can suffer from toothache and to understand this we can pay attention to some very specific symptoms and behaviors

How to understand if your cat has a toothache? Well yes, even cats can have toothache, just like what happens to us human beings. There are various health problems relating to the mouth, teeth and gums that can affect our furry little ones and it is good to know them to best deal with the situation.

There is one point, however, that we should take into consideration: the relationship that the cat has with pain. Cats tend to be animals that hide pain, because they instinctively protect themselves. Never show yourself vulnerable in front of a predator! How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

Despite this, however, we can understand if the cat has a toothache based on some specific symptoms and behavioral changes which, in fact, are alarm bells.

How to understand if your cat has a toothache? Dental problems in cats

How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

The mouth and teeth in cats are often given little consideration, even though we should absolutely take them into account when caring for cats. Even cats, just like us humans, can suffer from mouth diseasesgingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis -, pathologies resulting from the accumulation of plaque and tartar, poor hygiene, poor nutrition and sometimes even from a genetic predisposition , relating to the breed itself, or the age of the animal. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

For this reason we should always take care of the dental hygiene of our furry little ones, making sure that their mouth and teeth are checked regularly by a good vet. This is the only way to prevent any pathologies and act promptly, preventing the situation from worsening.

Symptoms of toothache in cats

How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

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But if it is true that a cat can suffer from various mouth diseases, how can we understand if it has a toothache? One of the most obvious symptoms that should cause us concern is the lack of interest in food. Cats are not excessively voracious animals and eat their doses of food, sipping it throughout the day according to their needs and habits. But if they don’t eat anymore, something is obviously wrong. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

The problem could arise from discomfort and pain in the mouth and teeth, things which obviously prevent the cat from enjoying its food normally, because it has difficulty chewing (especially kibble, which is harder). Weight loss as a result of poor nutrition is also a sign of an underlying problem.

To this we can add more “physical” symptoms, which – with some difficulty, given the poor tendency to let themselves be handled – we could actually observe in the mouth. Let’s think of gingivitis with the evident inflammation of the oral mucous membranes which, if not treated, can lead to the formation of swelling and abscesses, or even tooth resorption with consequent mobility of the teeth (even loss). In this case we are faced with an already advanced situation and we cannot pretend nothing has happened. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

In addition to these symptoms, we also consider bad breath. Bad mouth odor is never a good sign, because it indicates the presence of an abnormal condition which can range from simple inflammation to a real infection. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

Changes in behavior

How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

We have already listed several symptoms and all of them, without exception, should alert us. But there are also other details that cannot go unnoticed and that help us understand not only when the cat has a toothache but, more generally, when it feels pain or has a health problem.

As anticipated, our beloved furry friends, although small and cuddly, always remain mini-predators with very specific instincts and behaviors. One of these has to do with the perception of pain: the cat by its nature tends to hide it so as not to appear weak and vulnerable in the face of potential dangers or predators. This is why it is often very complicated to understand if a cat is suffering. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

It’s up to us to pay more attention and notice even the smallest behavioral changes. Has your cat become more aggressive than usual? Does he appear nervous and irritable? Does he not let himself be approached even for a small caress, as if he feels discomfort in our presence? Does he isolate himself and not show himself around for hours? These could all be signs of distress. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

What to do if your cat has a toothache

How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

Obviously, as we are not doctors, we cannot diagnose the cat with a toothache or any other type of illness, therefore the only thing to do – in case all these changes or symptoms are observed, or even just some of them – is to bring Micio to the vet. Let’s ensure that he is under the care of a good professional who will examine him carefully and, finally, arrive at a diagnosis. Only in this way will we be able to act in the right way, carefully following the doctor’s instructions also regarding nutrition and possible taking of medications. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

Understanding if your cat has a toothache, many people have also asked us:

How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

How to understand if your cat has inflamed gums?

Toothache is often the consequence of gum inflammation, which generally causes disruption throughout the cat’s mouth. As we have already seen, among the symptoms we can list: red or swollen gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, difficulty eating. How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

What to give cats for their teeth?

If we talk about specific drugs, the last word always belongs only to the veterinarian. Never rely on DIY treatments! However, there are snacks on the market (also in the form of kibble) that are formulated to strengthen the teeth and mouth, helping to eliminate plaque and, in some cases, also alleviating bad breath.

How to understand if the cat changes its teeth?

This is the case of kittens who, around 3-4 months of life, begin to lose their milk teeth. In this delicate phase we can observe that the little one drools a little more than usual and tends to bite surfaces and objects with a hard consistency with a certain insistence.

What to do if the cat has inflamed gums?

To treat gingivitis, the cat must be given specific anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as carrying out a thorough cleaning of the teeth with professional tools. All things that the vet must decide or do!

I hope we have cover all point regarding How to understand if your cat has a toothache?

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