5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats, for the needs of an old man

Even if he needs to get his nails done as he gets older, here are the ideal scratching posts for the elderly Maine Coon cat. Convenient, but effective!

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats Felines are extremely instinctive four-legged friends with special needs. Exactly as they did in the wild, on the bark of trees, they have the instinct to scratch their claws on sofas, furniture and any soft surface in the house. To prevent the furniture from being destroyed, here are the 5 scratching posts for the elderly Maine Coon cat to use right away.

1. 5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats: A multi-level tower: a tree to climb, but Miao decides where to stop

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

To ensure that Miao is stimulated correctly and channels excess energy, scratching posts for the elderly Maine Coon cat are valid allies . Shelves, containers, trunks covered in rope and a peak to conquer (only if he wants and can: without obligations). A multi functional game that also allows you to manage your nails at a really great price. 5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

2. Minimal but very effective and loved by our little furball

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

To be included among the scratching posts for Maine Coon cats , this model is much simpler, but has everything you need to make Kitty happy. Low so as not to frustrate the puppy’s self-esteem, with a ball connected to a string to let him play independently and the solidity of a quality game, designed specifically for the needs of the growing feline. 5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

3. Trixie, a name and a guarantee for Miao’s 360 degree health

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

Basic, but an evergreen that never goes out of fashion. It is a cardboard base that turns out to be a real magnet for Micio’s evil nails . Among the scratching posts for the elderly Maine Coon cat, this model is one of the first to buy. So our four-legged friend can have fun without tiring. 5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

4. A mat with an edge: Miao will spend hours on it

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

And to stay on the theme of functional simplicity, this square is the Mecca of felines . Perhaps it is the lightest and most compact, but it is also the model you can never go wrong with. Then the quality/price ratio of this accessory is truly unbeatable. 5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

5. Colors and shapes that recall the uncontaminated and wild places from which Miao’s ancestors come

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats

5 scratching posts for elderly Maine Coon cats Among the scratching posts for the elderly Maine Coon cat there is one that winks at the genetic heritage. Because, despite centuries of domestication, certain instincts are forever engraved in Puss’ DNA. A scratching post halfway between a tree and a cactus that will win him over.

Also Check Out: 5 rubber toys for Maine Coon kittens who want to have fun and experiment

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